
Dystrophin for Genethon and Sarepta Therapeutics Program Goes Into Production

Written by Yourway | January 22, 2020

Genethon and Sarepta are extending their collaboration on developing an innovative gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which has demonstrated significant efficacy in pre-clinical testing. “Yposkesi is proud to have been selected to produce and deliver AAV material at large-scale using its proprietary suspension-based process for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a neuromuscular disease that requires high doses,” said Alain Lamproye, CEO of Yposkesi. At Yourway, we understand the important phases involved in drug development and manufacturing. You can chat with us about these issues in person at Clinical Trial Supply Europe on March 11-12, 2020 in Madrid, Spain. We’ll be at Booth #54.